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Sentry Marvel

Marvel Sentry - Robert Reynolds - All about one of Marvel's most powerful and complex characters. Come check!

Marvel Sentry – Robert Reynolds – All about one of Marvel’s most powerful and complex characters. Come check!

Project: Sentry

In March 1947, Canada’s Department K and remnants of the United States’ Operation: Rebirth pooled their resources to become Project: Sentry, an attempt to not only recreate the Super Soldier Serum, but in post-war hubris, magnify its effects one hundred thousand times over.

Unfortunately, within a thirty years it had been divided nearly a thousandfold into isolated sub-projects, with lab work farmed out to private contractors. The overall administration of the Project was virtually nil. Precisely where all of its resources ended up over the decades, what they might have begun, and where they ultimately led, is currently unknown.

Robert Reynolds – Marvel Sentry

Over ten years later, Robert Reynolds, a meth addict, broke into the laboratory of an unnamed professor. It was there that he discovered the Golden Sentry Serum. Consuming the compound, Robert Reynolds gained the power of a million exploding suns. This act killed his partner and the lab’s guards. He then asked the Professor to make more for himself.

Project: Sentry, appalled at what their irresponsibility had wrought, persuaded Reynolds to let them test his powers at their facility, but they could not contain him for long, nor curb his desire to use his powers for the greater good of all, and the Sentry debuted before a world that had almost forgotten superhuman Samaritans. After trouncing the school bully who had tormented him, Reynolds sewed together a costume and made his debut as the heroic Sentry.

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