The Orbital Children Episode 2

The Orbital Children Episode 2 – Watch the full episode with English subtitles – Mist and Darkness.

The Orbital Children explores interactions with artificial intelligence (AI) and considers the different outcomes that can occur when AIs come to different conclusions about humans as they acquire different levels of understanding on the complexities of humanity.

AI within the series have restrictions placed upon them to limit their capabilities and prevent them from becoming too smart and potentially threatening humanity, a story element that becomes relevant in later episodes of the miniseries.

Episode 2 – Mist and Darkness

Touya and Taiyou wake up at a bulkhead. The air is cold due to the ship decompressing. Touya and Taiyou get to a shelter. Mina, Nasa’s and Professor’s elevator takes them to the bottom floor, and they go to a different shelter where they find ONIQLO suits. Touya and Taiyou reconnect to their drones and leave their shelter to get ONIQLO suits, then go searching for Konoha. They find Konoha with low oxygen levels and her heart stops beating.

Touya and Taiyou manage to resuscitate her. Mina finds them with her drone and they make it to the second shelter. Everyone leaves the shelter to find a rescue craft. There is a tear in a wall, where air is being sucked out of the station. Chief appears and guides everyone to a tunnel entrance in the wall. The tear widens as Touya reaches to close a hatch behind the party.

The Orbital Children Episode 2 – Mist and Darkness

Watch The Orbital Children Episode 1

Watch The Orbital Children Episode 3


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