The Orbital Children Episode 5

The Orbital Children Episode 5 – Watch the full episode with English subtitles – A Story Ends

The Orbital Children explores interactions with artificial intelligence (AI) and considers the different outcomes that can occur when AIs come to different conclusions about humans as they acquire different levels of understanding on the complexities of humanity.

AI within the series have restrictions placed upon them to limit their capabilities and prevent them from becoming too smart and potentially threatening humanity, a story element that becomes relevant in later episodes of the miniseries.

Episode 5 – A Story Ends

Nasa fights the rest of the crew, beats back Dark-Bright and destroys the antenna used to communicate with the AI controlling the comet. Taiyou grants Dark-Bright permission to remove the last limiter on its intelligence. Dark-Bright traps Nasa in a compartment.

Nasa opens the airlock and is sucked into space. Dark-Bright uses Konoha’s implant as a connection to Second Seven the AI on the comet. Everyone on the Anish decide to let Second Seven access the internet which disengages the final limits for the AI. Second-Seven is persuaded to deviate from the collision course. Konoha goes into cardiac arrest, Touya links his implant to hers.

The Orbital Children Episode 5 – A Story Ends

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